
Hotfingers Moves Vol.1 – Review

Tempratures are rising, more and more cloths are comming off, it has arived. The people from mars, to deliver us our anual package of 100% Summer! While we are sitting inside with the airconditioner on, the crowd is already gathering for the beaches. And with Moves Vol.1, Hotfinger is ready to blast off onto a sunny summer.

Moves is a mix that delivers a wide range of songs in a slow and relaxing manner, it’s like having your toes in sand while little birds whistle in the wind. The long parts of repetitive beats calms you down and brings you to a state of laziness. I feel that this mix is not intended for heavy duty club use, it doesn’t feels like it wants you to go mad and dance your ass off. Its a beach campfire that needs a small group of friends to be pleased.

Hotfingers Moves Vol.1 is out on 27-6, that’s is today. So don’t hang out here on this page, head over to one of the online stores to get a copy of this mix.

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