
Dance Valley went “Back to Basic” and came out better

After three editions that has being rained away last Saturday’s dance valley was one that can be remember as a fun one.

With sun enough there was nobody who complained about the big three rain storms, the organisers announced earlier this year that Dance Valley 2012 will be “Back to Basic”. And that this years edition the main attention will be concentrated to the music and less to the show.

Like last editions Dance Valley presented the crowd a large diversity of music and artist, for trance lovers there was a Full on Ferry tent with off course Ferry Corsten, Seid van Riel and ATB. At the other side of the field The Prophet played at the venue but the most diversity was on the main stage, acts like The Subs and Goose stole the show down in the valley. The organisation wanted to have a diverse selection of artist, and the rappers Gers Pardoel and The Opposites really standed out of the list.

But there where somethings feeling wrong at Dance Valley, the line-ups where looking impressive for every dance lover and needed to attract a young and new crowd. But when you looked around there where only people who where old enough to be part of the very first Dance Valley in 1995. There was a special entree-ticket made for 17 years old to try to get a younger audience, but it seemed that this didn’t did the trick.

Another thing that felt a bit off where the venues, only the main stage was a bit special but nothing exited and the tent’s that holds a number of of venues where muff and surrounded by a canal of mud. It was a sign that the organisers had a smaller budget that previous years and that the choice of “Back to Basic” was necessary to hold an event of this scale.

In contrast of “Back to Basic” Afrojack’s finaly at mainstage was nothing more than a big show the usual great visuals, lasers and lights made a appearance next to gargoyles, acrobact’s on two big wheels riding around on the stage.

This years Dance Valley was nothing more than basic, less huge acts, old crown, and simple tents to hold venues. But all of this didn’t made the day worse, in a way it made the music better there was no way you could be distracted from big visuals or other things.

It was all aboard for the music.

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Arno Wesselink

With a passion for electronic dance music and a love for technology, I'm always on the lookout for the next big thing. From festival lineups to new releases, I'm dedicated to keeping you up-to-date on the latest news and trends. Let's move to the rhythm of innovation together and keep the music alive! - (Contact: